Gone Fishin’
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. 1 Timothy 2:1 (NIV)
I am an avid people watcher! However, I have never thought about praying for a total stranger. Seems to me that would take away some of the pleasure of watching and listening to them. But would it really? Suzanne Davenport Tietjen (Mornings with Jesus) tells us about her habit. It might just be one we want to acquire. Decide for yourself, but I kind of like the idea of going soul fishin’.
I PRAY FOR STRANGERS. Sometimes when I’m sitting in a crowd, I silently pray, Jesus, who needs Your love and help today? Then I scan the backs of people’s heads and trust Him to help me settle on one person. Praying like this seems a little like spiritual fishing—casting a line out to connect that person’s needs to Jesus, who knows them more than anyone could imagine.
I don’t know what their specific issue is for that particular day other than, like me, the stranger needs Jesus. Even if the person I’m praying for already knows Jesus, they may have some other situation, great or small, that I can pray about. I never know what their circumstance is, and I don’t have to. Jesus does—that’s what Jesus’s omniscience (the state of knowing everything) is all about. He is fully aware of everyone’s hearts and struggles, their hopes, joys, and sorrows.
I don’t make a show of praying. I just silently talk to the Father in Jesus’s name. Occasionally, the person turns around as if looking for a friend. Or hearing someone speak their name. Was it because of my prayers? I hope this practice of secret intercessory prayer will make me more like Jesus, who noticed and cared about the people around Him.
FAITH STEP: The next time you go to a public place, try praying for a stranger. Trust Jesus to give you the words as you secretly send up prayers on behalf of another person.
Gracious Father, we offer You our praises to Your Holy Name. You continually hold us near and dear to Your heart. We miss so many opportunities to share Your love. Please teach us to pray for strangers in a way that raises them up to You. AMEN.