…But Not the Bear
But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last…I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought! Job: 19: 25 & 27
Here in the Arnot area, we often see deer, fox, raccoons, opossum, skunks, and all kinds of other critters show up. I’ve seen all these with my own eyes…but not the bear. While It’s been reported that there are some bears roaming the woods I have never seen one shuffling through the yard yet.
About a week ago, early in the morning while out feeding the deer, I noticed footprints in the lightly iced driveway. I guess one of them has returned. After discussion with the locals who have seen some, I believe. However, I would like to see one for myself.
I have seen the evidence but not the evidence maker. Yes, I believe, but it would be so much easier if this medium-sized bear crossed the yard into my line of vision. (Of course, then I would be afraid to get out of the car in the dark to come into the house.)
It started me thinking about my faith. Do I truly believe that Jesus is real? After all, I’ve never seen Him in the flesh. I’ve seen extremely strong signs of His Presence in many different ways. Through healings, meals brought during difficult times, a smile from a stranger, a hug from a friend, an unexpected check in the mail, etc., I have seen or felt Him at work.
Do we need to physically see Him to believe in Him? I certainly hope not, for if we do, it won’t be happening on this side and by that time, it’s just too late.
There is more than enough evidence to say that Jesus’s Presence is felt and seen in our daily lives. We are abundantly blessed by a loving Lord. I know My Redeemer lives because He has proven Himself time and again.
Well, the bear has proven he is also around, but he doesn’t stay with me all the time. Through a big huff and growl, I know he is on the prowl for something to eat.
Jesus, on the other hand, never leaves me and thankfully, He speaks softly and tenderly and loves as only He can do.
Father, what can we possibly say but thank You! AMEN.
Photo: Mo Johnston