New Glasses
But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. James 1:25 (NIV)
Many of us have gone through the process of getting an eye exam and new glasses. What an experience! When I take my glasses off to try on frames, I am virtually blind. I can hardly see my reflection in the mirror, so I rely on the person I am with or the sales person (and that is a bit uncomfortable). My goal is to enhance my sight and to look presentable. Cynthia Ruchti, (Mornings with Jesus) shares a story that helped her vision improve.
A friend’s traumatic brain injury left her with innumerable challenges. Swallowing, eating, speaking sitting, standing, walking—all had to be relearned as her brain healed.
Her type of head injury often brings lingering double vision. Imagine how disorienting that would be, especially for a person who struggles to stand and maintain equilibrium without that added disadvantage.
She was prescribed prism glasses to help break up and realign that second distracting, disorienting image. I wonder what would happen if I had special glasses to help me see hope with more clarity, to recognize the image of Jesus standing in front of me, offering His hand to stabilize me.
Ah, but I do have that advantage. The “spectacles” I need are pages of the Bible, the story of Jesus foretold in the Old Testament and revealed in the New Testament. All distorted images come into focus when I lock my attention on the words and life of Jesus.
I don’t know what my friend’s special glasses cost her, but I’ve had a glimpse of what it cost Jesus to provide hope for me. I can either fight the distortion this world hands me or peer intently into the Word that offers clear vision, stability for my faith walk, and sweet resolution of what threatens to frighten or dizzy me. The choice is clear!
FAITH STEP: Have you been squinting to catch a glimpse of hope and peace in your current circumstances? Try looking at life through the pages of Scripture.
Father, we give thanks for each lesson we learn along the way! Help us to remain teachable and not overlook Your involvement in our daily lives. Plant in each of us a desire to see life through Your living Word. AMEN.