Called To Be Connected
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16
This coming weekend, youth from several congregations will join together to participate in Box City. They will sleep outside in cardboard boxes, learn about what homeless people experience, worship together, and raise money for Beacon of Hope, a homeless shelter in Pottstown.
Jesus was all about connecting people, to Him and each other. Our lives are given meaning and purpose through His life and power residing in us and are intertwined with all believers in Christ. We are firmly rooted in our faith and connected to one another so we can continue the message and mission of Jesus. We are to step out and love others. We are to see and respond to the needs of those around us.
But it is clear that we cannot do this alone. Together, as the Body of Christ, we reveal the presence, compassion, and power of the risen Savior.
Thank You Lord Jesus that in relationship with You, deeply connected to our brothers and sisters in faith, we are Your hands, heart and love to people in need. May the efforts of Box City greatly bless Beacon of Hope. Amen.