Surprised by Joy
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. Ephesians 3:18 (NLT)
Squirrels are fun to watch—from a distance. I do enjoy seeing them romp around, chase up and down the trees and shoo the birds away from the feeders. They are quite brazen yet very cute. Jon Woodhams (All Gods Creatures) shares a great story. You’ll like it!
Chicago-area winters can be brutal, so when a rare warm front came through our small Christian college campus that January, everyone was outside enjoying it—including the squirrels. As I walked home from class, basking in the unexpected balminess, a squirrel approached me. I stopped intrigued. The squirrel paused at my feet and then, in short and sporadic movements, climbed up my pant leg, onto my jacket and finally, onto my shoulder. I stood like a statue scarcely breathing, feeling like a modern-day Saint Francis of Assisi (the patron saint of animals).
I wondered what it could want. I had no food with me, and to be honest, I didn’t even particularly like squirrels. I didn’t try to pet it or otherwise engage it. But here, for a few moments, I had a pet squirrel who, for reasons beyond me, had chosen to befriend me. After a few breath-holding moments, I must have moved or otherwise startled my curious furry friend because it quickly scampered down and up a tree. My reverie was broken and the world around me reemerged as if from a strange dream.
Why had the squirrel chosen me? When I lived in the Midwest, I experienced the doldrums of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the depths of the region’s gloomy, frigid winters, and that year was not different. At the time, and now in hindsight decades later, I can’t help thinking that God gave me a little gift that day—an unexpected, unforgettable encounter with one of His beloved creatures, that for a few moments surprised me with great joy. But why? Because He loves me just that much.
Joy is the serious business of heaven.
—C.S. Lewis
Loving Lord, we thank You for the love of all creation that You have embedded into our hearts. There are times we don’t act or speak to others with Your love. Help us to share joy with everyone (and animal) we meet. AMEN.