Generational Gifts
One generation shall Praise Your works to another and shall declare Your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to be the guest speaker at our annual spring lady's luncheon. The theme was “Generational Gifts.” The ladies were to bring a treasured item handed down through their family. The displays were beautiful, and some items were interesting, and we had to guess what some gadgets were used for.
One of the most memorable items was a handmade child’s white dress that was not only handed down, but each young girl through the generations had their picture taken wearing this dress. It showed the legacy to each child.
Learning history and sharing it with the future generations is important! We heard stories about some of the objects brought in for the luncheon and the origin within their family. What a great idea to include an old charm bracelet with all the states visited! Learning the history of each family was fun and exciting.
Do you realize that God has been giving us His stories of family from generations to generations. Stories with unsavory characters and beautiful stories of bravery, love, and sacrifices. They were told by word of mouth, later put in writings, through poems, songs, and music. Over thousands of generations later, God’s inspired words were collected and bound into a book we call the Bible.
The birth and death of God’s only son, Jesus, was the most precious generational gift ever given. And we are still sharing about it! There is no gift more valuable than Jesus and His love for all. We are to keep His commandments; we must also keep our thoughts and hearts pure. The core of faith in Jesus is following His two great commandments—love God and love our neighbor as ourselves.
Father, thank You for giving us diversities through our stories about family legacy. However, your story of forgiveness (past, present, and future) is the greatest ever told and it is PRICELESS. AMEN.