A Truce Is NOT Peace
Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14
Perhaps you got together with family for a holiday picnic, and you hoped there would be no tension or issues brought up from the past. How was that going to happen? Family members – you and an aunt, or a brother have been at odds for years.
Ok, let’s look at this from another perspective. You could simply call a truce meaning that you’re not going to pop off with snide remarks during the family time together. Maybe you could manage to keep quiet and totally ignore the person. Make a special place for that grudge you’re carrying and hug it tightly. You could promise not to roll your eyes, no belittling allowed.
Friends, a truce is NOT peace. It is only a time out from warring. The hard feelings and irreconcilable differences are still lingering and smoldering. And to be honest, it all stinks!
With all those negative feelings, do you even have room for Him in your heart? I once knew a therapist whose favorite saying was this: “Get over it!” It might be a good time to do exactly that. Bring your memories, grudges, thoughts, and projections to Jesus. He’s going to tell you exactly what to do with them. You may not like what He says but if you really want peace, He is the way to it.
My prayer for you and those around the world is that all will get far beyond a truce to experience the true meaning of peace through the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Lord of Peace, thank You for stepping into our world. We come asking You to show us what Peace really looks like. Teach us to love, forgive, and seek Your Peace. AMEN.