All the Way to Heaven

The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11 (NIV)

Today I did not get to my personal devotion time until mid-afternoon. With everything that happened today, I regret lagging behind. Could I have made better choices? Yes, of course, and I truly wish I had had this devotion under my belt as the day progressed. The best learning that will ever take place is from the mistakes we make along the way.

Sarah Young wrote:

I want to walk joyously with You through today, holding Your hand in trusting dependence. With You beside me. I can savor the pleasures and endure the difficulties this day will bring. Help me to appreciate everything You’ve prepared for me: beautiful scenery, bracing winds of adventure, sheltered nooks for resting when I’m weary, and much more. I’m thankful that You are not only my constant Companion but also my Guide. You know every step of the journey ahead of me—all the way to heaven.

I don’t have to choose between staying close to You and staying on course. Since You are the Way. As I fix my thoughts on You, I trust You to guide me moment by moment along today’s journey. Help me not to worry about what I’ll encounter along today’s journey. Help me not to be anxious about what I’ll encounter on the road ahead. And please keep reminding me that You are always by my side. This sets me free to focus on enjoying Your Presence and staying in step with You.

When We All Get to Heaven

Merciful Father, thank You for Your patience and for showing us the best path to take. Help us to faithfully stay focused so that we can keep up with You. AMEN.

Mo Haner