My View of Your World

…His work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he. Deuteronomy 32:4 (ESV)

ME: My eyesight must be failing!

JESUS: Now, why do you say that?

ME: Well, I don’t see much justice anywhere. I think the world is getting beaten up by liars, hypocrites, greedy businesses, gangs, and people who are all puffed up with egos.

JESUS: Are you finished!

ME: No, not really. What about all the wars, threats, famines, hostages, drones, missiles and lack of security for America? What are You doing?

JESUS: First, you are speaking to Me as if I did this. Yes, this is My world but secondly, mankind has created this so-called “hot mess”… not Me.

ME: But You can stop it at any time. Why are so many suffering and nothing is being done to help them.

JESUS: My precious child, much is being done to comfort them. You just can’t see it. All you get to see is what the media wants. My heart grieves for My children.

ME: Jesus, when I look up from my writing table, I see indigo buntings, pigeons, a doe with two spotted fawns and the chickens running around. It’s what I’d like the reality of my world to look like all the time. Do You see this?

JESUS: Of course I do, and I gave you the view. However, it’s just your own tiny slice of this world. This is a reality for you at this moment—not for others. What you see seems to calm you.

ME: Yes, it does! Why do I even bother to read the news? I feel bitter and upset with what I see!

JESUS: Then don’t! The Holy Spirit will impart urgency for prayer. I hear every one of your prayers. (Chuckling) Some are a little…lacking—but others are right on, filled with compassion and love.

ME: I have a confession.

JESUS: Let’s hear it.

ME: There are times when I don’t think about all this worldly stuff. Maybe I’m selfish but I just want to have a peaceful life up here in the mountains.

JESUS: That is not selfish, My child. That is self-preservation. It’s a gift I gave to you. Use it wisely.

ME: What can I say but thank You.

JESUS: (Smiling) Absolutely nothing…except maybe I love You!

He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

Lord Jesus, when I say thank You, help me to really mean it. My words get shallow and I need Your forgiveness. You are in control of this world, Your world, and You don’t miss anything. Let my heart rejoice!

Mo Haner