What Are You Waiting For?

Waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ Titus 2:13 (ESV)

July 4th brought some rain, so we took a ride and ended up at Michael’s niece’s log cabin for a little porch sittin’. We sat. We waited. We kept quiet. Then our phones came out and we played some games. Yet we watched.

The heavy rain pounded the thirsty, green grass and leaves on the huge trees could be compared to white noise. The scent of fresh rain in the woods took me back to camping trips as a kid. It was an awesome experience.

What were we waiting for? Basically, anything that moved (other than birds). On their game cam are pictures of bears, bob cats, coyotes, raccoons, and an occasional skunk. But once again, we got skunked and didn’t see anything.

During the wait, I had some quiet prayer time and enjoyed spending time with Him. My lingering moments were filled with questions, concerns, healing prayers, and praise. I totally forgot our purpose but still had an alert and watchful eye for movement.

While no one knows when He’ll come, we must do more than just shut down and count the minutes. In the meantime, we cannot be motionless or thoughtless. Our focus centers on acting and speaking like Him. Right?

I’ve come to the conclusion that there are no pointless time lags. They are given to us for a purpose—even if it is just to slow down and look around. Stop for a moment and observe your world. A rainbow, mom pushing a stroller, dad shooting hoops with his daughter, a student driver, an old couple holding hands on the way into Walmart, a homeless person, and his dog…. This list is intriguing and endless.

What are you waiting for? Certainly not bears and bob cats! There has never been a greater need for sharing the love of Jesus than now. The eternal clock says it’s time to reach out to those struggling souls. It is probably a new adventure for some. Just do it once and then it won’t be new anymore.

Do some porch sittin’ and pray for those that pass by. You don’t need to know their business because He does. Just pray! Do something!

Do Something

Heavenly Father, thank You for what is around us. Open our eyes to the needs of others and to the beauty You’ve created. Give us Your heart. AMEN.

Picture: Mo Johnston

Mo Haner