Are You What You Eat?

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. John 6:63

Every morning and afternoon when I go out to feed the critters, all I have to say is: “Time to eat!” and there is this swoosh and flutter of wings, and the flock of pigeons descend upon the field. I put individual scoops for the deer and then scatter the corn for the pigeons. I am estimating about twenty birds at a single feeding.

When the corn is gone, so are they. But while they feed, I watch them go right between the deer’s feet with no fear. They snag their nibbles and get out of the way.

Seeing them daily has made me think of my own faith. I’d like to believe that I am always partaking of God’s Word, but I must confess that there are times when I don’t even think about it. Different situations have taught me to swoop down and grab a few words and promises.

Pigeons fatten up with corn consumption. Christians are softened and toughened up with God’s Word. It really is fascinating that pigeons show no fear. They are bold. How about us?

What are we eating, reading or watching? Yes, I know we all have our favorites like chocolate, and peaches (…just to sound healthier). We like our TV shows and mystery books. But on a more spiritual level, what are we consuming?

The Bible, His love letters, ought to be our main course. Again, I must confess that I am not into His Word as much as I’d like to be. As we age, if you are like me, we see so many places where those red-letter words could have saved us from a lot of heart ache.

The good news is that we are still breathing. That gives us time to dig in and make some changes. Remember that old question: ‘What would Jesus do?’ Well, He faced the same temptations that we experience today. He shared all the answers we will ever need and they’re there in that Book.

We need to be bold like the pigeons who seem to have nothing to worry about. Feed upon His Word and be fearless in the face of your giants.

We can do this because “…If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31, NIV).

Be Bold, Be Strong

Sovereign Lord, thank You for letting us get hungry enough to know that we need only You. Nothing can fill us like You do! Please sustain us. AMEN.

Mo Haner