The Way of His Choice

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8

I enjoy getting my own way! Does that come as a surprise to anyone? We all do! When we get things our way, we can rest assured that there is some self-centered motive and lots of ego involved. Our way pushes every other possibility aside and boldly announces “Mine is the best way!” But is it?

We push and shove our ideas to the forefront. Seldom do we take into consideration that there might be someone out there with more logic, training, and heaven forbid, a better way of doing things. There will always be someone better than and smarter than you and me.

Doesn’t it just roast your feathers when a stronger voice takes over and botches everything up? Your plan would have worked well and gotten everything accomplished in no time flat. But no, everyone wanted the other way and yours became worthless—for the moment. Then they come back to you with their heads down.

Jesus must look at us at times and just shake His head. Yes, He gave us free will but we are to use that to creatively do His will—not ours. Life is much easier when His will and our will are in sync. The moment we allow our enemy to yank us off the Father’s chosen path, we become targets for all kinds of torment and grief.

His path is perfect for us. Mine is different than yours but that is just the way it’s supposed to be because we are all unique creations. What makes us similar are His words spoken for us, like in Psalm 48:14: For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end. Or even Joshua 1:9: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

We need to grow up! Stop with the spiritual tantrums and protests. If our spirit is feeling distraught about something, it is wise to check in with Jesus. What’s wrong? It will usually come down to the way of His choice conflicting with ours. 

What’s it going to be?

The Jesus Way

Forever Guide, thank You for showing us the path You have chosen for us. Teach us to ignore the tugs of the world. Help us to stay in Your Shadow where there is safety. AMEN.

Mo Haner