I Want More Details

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. Psalm 143:8

I am a very detail-oriented person. Sometimes it’s a welcomed trait and at other times, well, it’s frustrating. Wanting to know intricate facts and features of what I am going to do helps me feel more confident in taking on any task. However, when it comes to my faith, I often find myself without any details as I step into the day. I find it necessary to simply trust Him hour by hour and sometimes minute by minute. Sarah Young (Jesus Listens) has a prayer for all of us.


Marvelous Savior,

Help me to find Joy in You—for You are my Strength. I know that keeping Joy alive is crucial; especially when I’m in the throes of adversity. Whenever I’m struggling with difficulties, I need to guard my thoughts and words very carefully. If I focus too much on all the things that are wrong, I become increasingly discourage—any my strength is sapped. As soon as I realize what’s happening, I must stop this hurtful process immediately. You’ve been training me to turn to You quickly and ask You to show me the way I should go.

When I’m struggling, I need to take time to praise You—speaking or singing words of worship, reading promises and praises in Scripture. O my Strength, I sing praise to You. I sing the Glory of Your Name!

It’s essential for me to remember that my problems are temporary, but You are eternal—and so is my relationship with You. As I find Joy in You, delighting in Your unfailing Love, my strength invariably increases.

In Your glorious Name



Of course we could beg for more details, but I know He will not give them to us. Why? Because that is what faith is all about. Each step of the way, He shows us where to set our foot. We want details and He wants trust. Who is going to claim that victory?

I Sing Praises to Your Name

Mo Haner