Such a Delight

I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praises to my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:2

As I sat on the front porch, with coffee cup in hand, I was delighted to see what was in front of me. Nature came to life. There were does, fawns and bucks moving in the woods; some coming and some going. The animal world was alive. Mama and baby rabbits peacefully ate the clover, big and little woodchucks were busy nibbling and the humming birds were zooming back and forth. The windchimes gently tinkled a little tune but that didn’t seem to bother all the birds at the feeders.

It was just God and me—together, enjoying His creation. I cannot begin to explain the joy that filled my soul. I guess it was one of those you-had-to-be-there moments.

There were no ugly, violent, or damning thoughts. The world calls us to sensational reactions but none took hold of me. I was able to just focus on one thing—the beauty of His creation. I can’t compare sitting quietly in His Presence to anything else on this planet. In those moments, there is always peace. Renewal and refreshment filled me.

My thoughts were pure. How often does that happen in daily life? We are bombarded with political campaign texts, emails and even phone calls. Everyone pleads for a donation for their passionate cause. Scammers do their thing. Yet, on this morning, I purposefully left my phone inside and took the time to just be.

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth (Psalm 46:10, NIV). I don’t think He could have been any clearer! We need to take heed. Again, it isn’t just a silly suggestion, it’s a command.

Why is it so difficult to be still? Personally, I feel guilty when I’m not busy doing something. My grandmother used to tell me over and over, “Idle hands are the devil’s playground!” There was always something to do on the farm. I grew up thinking that if I was not busy, I was being lazy.

Agendas keep us organized but sometimes, we must set them aside for His Presence. Checking something off from my schedule never made me feel like I did that morning on the porch.

Try it—you’ll like it!

How Majestic Is Your Name

Loving Father, we thank You for all of creation. We magnify Your name and long to spend more time with You. Teach us to lay aside our selfish desires and seek more of You. AMEN.

Photo: Michael Johnston

Mo Haner