The Wasp on the Ceiling

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. Matthew 10:29

Two of my biggest insect fears are bees/wasps and cockroaches. I dislike them both equally. During my lifetime, I have had ugly experiences and my phobias have not subsided. Currently, I am in a position where I must not cringe in front of my students when I see them, lest them pick up on my fear. However, inside, I am still running away at full speed. Harold Nichols (All God’s Creatures) shares a memorable message about dealing with a wasp. There is something here for us to learn.


We were resting on the couch with our three-year-old grandson, when he said, “There’s a bug on the ceiling.” He was correct, except it wasn’t a bug, it was a wasp, and the ceiling was not a normal one but a cathedral ceiling that was far out of our reach.

Our first concern was for the safety of our grandson. Wondering how I could kill the intruder, I pulled out my phone and turned to Google. The first instruction was, “Don’t kill it,” because that makes it release its danger scent, which would attract other wasps. I read that wasps don’t like to fly in high winds and thought turning on the ceiling fan might keep it restricted to the highest part of the ceiling. That worked, and the wasp stayed at the ceiling’s apex, giving us time to come up with a solution for capturing it and ushering it out. I thought maybe a swimming pool net on a long pole would work. We didn’t have such a net, but a quick trip to Lowe’s remedied the situation.

So, I readied my net, turned off the fan, and tried to figure out how to control the long pole with my arms stretched above my head. Miraculously, as if directed by an unseen hand, the wasp flew to the lower kitchen ceiling only a few feet from the back door. I opened the door, and out it went.

As I thought about this situation, I realized how wrongheaded my response had been. The Lord had a way to keep us safe and to save the wasp. I needed to control my impulse to solve everything myself, have more faith, and wait for God’s small voice.

Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. Psalm 55:22 (NLT)

God Will Take Care of You

Loving Lord, thank You for taking care of us. Please teach us to wait on You and not try to solve all the problems that engulf us. Let Your loving hands keep us safe. AMEN.

Mo Haner