Defiant in His Name

We are more than conquerors, through Christ
You have overcome this world, this life
We will not bow to sin or to shame
We are defiant in Your Name

Defiant children give me shivers up and down my spine. Some of them are just strong willed and others are blatantly defiant. This year I am in a classroom of 20 four- and five-year-olds. Oh, the stories and life lessons you are going to hear!

In the song below, there is a phrase that caught my attention: defiant in Your Name. I began to mull this over and over and concluded that I am not always bold for Jesus. I don’t think any of us could earn a gold star every day on that test. To be defiant for Him would mean that we stand our ground against worldly things, live a purer life, and are not intrigued by evil around us.

We are easily swayed by circumstances, actions of others, and the media. But being compliant with the ways of the world is not the way to go. In our daily Christian walk, we must continue to use God’s Word to find the truth as His Word has become twisted to fit current situations.

Right is still right—and wrong is wrong. The issues lie in trying to stand up for those values. We might lose our footing and stumble through the day; but with Jesus, we can always start over. It is possible that we might have to let go of some relationships along the way. Think about this: some have even lost their lives because of being defiance in His Name.

Being defiant in His name isn’t risky! We know what awaits us regardless of what happens here on earth. While it might be a little unnerving, it is a win-win situation.

Let’s face it, there are some things that are worth being defiant for and He is the greatest reason. We must stand our ground and not budge an inch. Perhaps this is why the world is as it is today. Over the years, we’ve allowed our boundaries to be moved.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11, NIV). This command of caution was written with a purpose.

Go out today and be defiant in His Name.

More Than Conquerors

Loving Lord, thank You for Your precious Words. Teach us to find answers to life’s situations and questions only in Your Word. Teach us to be defiant in Your Name. AMEN.

Mo Haner