The Little Alligator

And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13 (NIV)

Many years ago, when I lived in FL, I took my dogs (Mercy, a big boxer, and Mr. Grumbles) for a walk along a canal. We were taking a leisurely jaunt when suddenly, I heard this chirping / croaking sound in the canal next to us. Being curious, I got closer to see the source. There must have been at least 25-40 little alligators in the water. Both dogs began to growl. I pulled them back just in time to watch mama alligator come sliding down the bank—way too close for comfort. We started running but thank God, she stayed behind with her babies. Ashley Clark (All God’s Creatures) talks about the wild things (cute little alligators) in our lives.


This week, my son and I attended a reptile presentation at our local library. Eager to get a good view of the animals, my son hurried to the front of the room, where a crowd of children sat in a circle waiting to see turtles, snakes, and other lizards. Each new animal’s appearance was met with a round of oohs and ahhs, but of particular surprise was the small alligator the facilitator presented. Much to the delight of the children—particularly my son—the man held on to the baby alligator and stepped into the circle of kids. My son scampered backward, laughing even as he got out of the way.

The presenter explained that when the alligators reach a larger size, he returns them to the sanctuary from which they initially came. If he were to wait too long, the alligators would become a danger to him and the crowds to whom he presents.

While the event was thrilling for all the children who attended, this encounter also provided a solemn warning that everything we allow into our lives, both good and harmful, will grow eventually. Many days I feel as though I have control over the “baby alligators” in my mind and heart, and watching over them may even seem like a playful game. But eventually, those wild things will grow into something untamed, much like the bad habits in my life. I am grateful that God provides another option against dangers of sin: boundaries. I can guard my heart against the sin that may otherwise consume, discourage, and disillusion me by remaining in God’s Word and using wisdom in my choices. Today I choose to release the dangerous habits I have adopted and to replace with good habits instead.

Breakup Song

Lord, please show me today where I’ve created a habitat for things that are not of You. Show me the actions I need to take to set boundaries in my life before the dangers grow even more destructive. And thank You for Your grace, which sets me free from the sins that so easily entangle me. AMEN.

Mo Haner