Daisy, NO!

I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. Psalm 17:6 (NIV)


I know Carrots, our kitten, hears me but he tends to turn a deaf ear to my voice especially when I am trying to save him from sure and certain danger. He looks at me with expressions that say: “Not now, this is too much fun!” Maddening! I can really think some ugly thoughts during those moments. Devon O’Day (All God’s Creatures) shares his adventures with Daisy, his border collie.


A little border collie—beagle mix puppy named Daisy came to live with us at the farm. Her energy was boundless. She tested all our patience. She heard “NO” so many times, I’m sure she thought that was her name!

It wasn’t long before Daisy discovered a hole in the backyard fence, we didn’t even know existed, turning a quick visit outside into a quick escape from the sanctuary. She would run out to the road, back again, and into the driveway behind the cars. She wouldn’t come to us when we called because the chase was far more exciting than when she would have to go back inside. Daisy ran headlong into danger because she didn’t even know what danger was. She was so young and felt so invincible that she knew no fear whatsoever.

One day as she ran to the street with me chasing behind here, a big truck blared its horn just as she was about to enter its path. Daisy stopped in her tracks, shaking in terror as I reached for her with her harness and got her to safety. Although she started listening more after that incident, she still has moments of temporary “amnesia” and tries to take off.

Daisy’s “amnesia” makes me think of all the times God has told me “no” to things I wasn’t supposed to do. Like Daisy, my name could actually be “no” too. A relationship was toxic, and God said no. Every “no” God has given me through the years has gently put me on the path to where He wanted me to be, ultimately allowing me to be safer and happier on the journey.

Just as I’ve trained Daisy to realize that “no” isn’t bad, God is training me to realize that sometimes His best work is done when He says no.

I Can Hear Your Voice

Heavenly Father, help me hear Your gentle no before I run headlong into danger that I don’t even see coming. AMEN.

Mo Haner