Does It Show?
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes. Romans 1:16 (NKJV)
When people look at me, what do they notice first? Is it my white hair, my fun-loving smile, the worry lines on my forehead, or something else. We want people to see what we claim to be. Not always easy but certainly an important goal. Karen Sargent, (Mornings with Jesus) shares some wild and crazy stuff about choosing a team.
My neighbor paints himself blue and gold, dons a fuzzy blue wig, and proudly wears his St. Louis Blues jersey, matching knee-high socks, and gold tennis shoes to every hockey game. When he drives to a rival city, his personalized license plate proclaims he is a Blues fan. He mows the team logo into his lawn, takes aerial photos with a drone, and posts his artwork on social media. Every conversation with him always comes back to his favorite team and their playoff chances. He is completely committed to the St. Louis Blues.
I am not a hockey fan, but I am Team Jesus. I wonder if people see Jesus all over my life as if I were a crazed fan. Does the joy of walking with Him reflect on my face? Does the heart beneath my faith T-shirt reflect what the writing proclaims? When I’m behind the wheel does my driving align with my JOY FM bumper sticker other drivers see? What do my social media accounts say about my relationship with Jesus? How often do my conversations include Him and how to win eternal life?
Sometimes I flip the TV channel to the Blues game to spot my neighbor in the rowdy crowd. Yet, during Sunday worship, I cheer for Jesus quietly so no one hears me sing out of tune. Jesus doesn’t expect me to paint my face and wear a fuzzy wig, but I hope others can tell I’m a committed fan for Team Jesus.
Loving Lord, thank You for Your patience with us. Help us never to be an embarrassment to our faith or to You. Strengthen us to stand tall in our witness to Your love. AMEN.