Shaming Does Not Work
Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13 (NIV)
I could easily have written this devotion as I went for many years without seeing a dentist, my bridges shattered, crowns broke, I had cavities galore, and my bank account felt the pinch. In my spiritual and health life, I lived by the idea that if you ignore things long enough, they will disappear. The older (and hopefully wiser) I’ve become, that is simply not true. Claire McGarry (Mornings with Jesus) and I have a lot in common.
I went to the dentist last week for the first time in 6 years. I knew things were bad but hoped ignoring them would make them go away. I was also avoiding the dentist’s reaction, thinking she’d shame me for taking the coward’s way out by burying my head in the sand.
The bad news is I’ve done so much damage from grinding my teeth at night that I need four crowns. I almost fell of the dentist chair when she told me how much that’s going to cost. The good news? There was no shaming at all, only understanding and support. The hygienist and the dentist care about teeth. They only want what’s good for mine.
I avoid more than the dentist. I also avoid bringing my sins to Jesus. Once again, I fear the shame I’ll feel laying all my sins at His feet. So I bury my head in the sand and hope ignoring them will make them go away.
The bad news? Unconfessed sins fester, eroding my soul and creating a barrier to Jesus’s grace. The good news, though, is that shaming isn’t a tactic Jesus ever uses. He extends love and mercy. He cares about my soul and only wants what’s good for it.
I mustered the courage to go to the dentist to get back on track with my teeth. And it’s time to seek out Jesus’s forgiveness so He can remove the barrier I created and get me back on track for the good of my soul.
FAITH STEP: Take stock in the health of your soul, bringing any unconfessed sins to the feet of Jesus.
Forgiving Father, we thank You for the gift of forgiveness. When we ignore sin and other issues because of fear, You embrace us and speak loving words over us. Please remind us not to carry unnecessary burdens. AMEN.