Kids Connect: May 2019 Theme


Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

God helps us do things we would never think possible—things we can’t even imagine ourselves doing. It can be facing giants like David and forgiving someone who hurt us. Or it can be helping others like Aaron helped Moses and digging wells in a foreign land. When we trust God to help us, we can do all the big things God made us to do.

Bottom Line: God Helps Me Do Big Things

Memory Verse: We have the Lord our God to help us. — 2 Chronicles 32:8, NLT


Grades 1-6

Throughout history, God has offered strength to help people persevere through difficult situations. Jesus persevered through death itself to make us right with God. We can have perseverance, too, because of what Jesus has done for us.

Memory Verse: But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak. — Isaiah 40:31, NIrV

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Janet Hilsmier