Kids Connect: August 2020


We hope you’re having a great summer! For so many of you, going back to school will be very different than any other school year! Know that we are praying that Jesus is with you through every moment. We pray that the Holy Spirit helps to keep you on task and keep you motivated through all of the changes that are coming. We pray for good health and peaceful, worry-free days and nights. And we hope we’ll see you in September!


Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

I am wonderfully made in God’s image! Do you ever think about yourself like that—that you are wonderfully made in God’s image? We tend to forget about all of the wonder that went into making us as we become grown- ups. Time has a way of dulling our shine. It’s part of the reason why people have to prod us to ‘say cheese’ when they take our picture. That is what we want for preschoolers. We want them to smile with confidence, because they know God made me.

Key Question: Who made you?

Bottom Line: God made you.

Memory Verse: I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14, NIV


Grades 1-6

When we look outside and see the beautiful world around us, we’re reminded that God is SO great, powerful, and creative. From the birds flying high in the sky to the planets orbiting the sun to animals scampering around the earth, each one points to God’s indescribable creativity. Jesus used creativity in how He told parables, performed miracles, and helped His followers understand more about what it means to be part of God’s Kingdom. On top of that, we’re created in God’s image. We can solve problems, create art and music, design skyscrapers high into the sky. When we create, we reflect the image of God to the world around us.

Core Insights: CREATIVITY Imagining what you could do because you were made in God’s image

Memory Verse: Lord you are great. You are really worthy of praise. No one can completely understand how great you are. Psalm 145:3, NIRV

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MonthlyJanet Hilsmier