Kids Connect: Oct. 2020


Kids Connect is slowly reopening with scheduled programming only on our Communion days through the end of the year. You can pre-register for to worship with us, but please plan ahead and register early. If we do not see children registered by the Friday before each planned programming date, Kids Connect will be cancelled.

Upcoming dates: Oct. 4, Oct. 25, Nov. 1, Nov. 22 and Dec. 6.


Each week, check out the Sunday at Home page on

Each Sunday morning, they’ll post the weekly videos and activity pages that coincide with our curriculum Kids can sing, dance and learn in lively presentations. Videos are available for Preschool, Elementary and Preteens. In the meantime, here are the monthly themes for October!


Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

There’s always a chance of rain in our lives or in the lives of our preschoolers. Many of us have already come through some pretty big rainstorms. Some of us are in them right now. That is why it is our sincere prayer that during this month we and our preschoolers will begin to trust that God’s got it. This kind of trust in God is what will give you and me and our preschoolers the power to sing in the rain—no matter what that rain might be.

Key Question: Who’s Got It?

Bottom Line: God’s Got It!

Memory Verse: “God is with you wherever you go.“ — Joshua 1:9


Grades 1-6

Since the very beginning, not only has God has been true to His word but He’s been faithful in His character. Because we know that God is good, we can live life with integrity. When Jesus lived on earth, He lived a perfect life that we were unable to live. Through His Spirit, we can become people of integrity. Who we are in private should match who we are in public. When we trust in God, we can be truthful in whatever we say and do.

Core Insights: Integrity choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do.

Memory Verse: “Anyone who lives without blame walks safely. But anyone who takes a crooked path will get caught.” — Proverbs 10:9, NIRV

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MonthlyJanet Hilsmier