Kids Connect: June 2021


While in-person Kids Connect is on hold, the Children’s Message will continue to be featured in our weekly live-streamed worship broadcast. Each weekly message will coincide with the Elementary/Preteen lessons featured on Parent Cue.

Check out the Sunday at Home page on

Every Sunday morning, they’ll post the weekly videos and activity pages that coincide with our curriculum. Kids can sing, dance and learn about the character of God in lively presentations. Videos are available for Preschool, Elementary and Preteens. In the meantime, here are the monthly themes for December!


Grades 1-6

When it comes to confidence, we might try and base it on what we do well or what a teacher or parent might say about us. But true confidence should be built on something that lasts forever. We think that’s found in understanding how God sees us. God created us, and God loves us. Nowhere is this more evident than in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And, when you put your confidence in Jesus, you can truly see yourself how God sees you.

MonthlyJanet Hilsmier