Kids Connect: Nov 2021

Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

This month we are going to use a community garden to teach our preschoolers that “I can thank God for everything.” Wow, there is so much goodness in that one statement!

First of all, I can thank. Choosing to be thankful is the road to contentment, joy, and peace. And we want our preschoolers to have all of that goodness in their lives. Second, I can thank God. Thanking God is how we acknowledge the One giving us all the good in our lives. And third, I can thank God for everything. Yes, even the not so good stuff. When we thank God for everything, we are showing God that we believe He can use ALL things for His purpose and nothing is too big for Him.

We want our preschoolers to know they can thank God for everything. We want them to experience the contentment, joy, and peace that comes from a thankful heart.

Key Question: Who can you thank for everything?

Bottom Line: I can thank God for everything.

Memory Verse: I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart. Psalm 111:1, ESV

Grades 1-6

Everything we have comes from God. He is faithful to provide what we need. And even more than what we own, God can also provide what we need to face whatever happens in our life. God has proven time and again that we can trust Him no matter what. We can complain or become jealous of what others have… or we can choose to respond with contentment, knowing that God has a plan for our lives.

Life App: Contentment: Learning to be ok with what you have.

Memory Verse: Then He said to them ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against wanting to have more and more things. Life is not made up of how much a person has.’ —Luke 12:15, NIRV

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Janet Hilsmier