Kids Connect: April 2022

Kids Connect April Schedule:

April 3 10AM
April 10 9AM

April 17
9AM Worship (No KC)
10:30AM Easter Egg Hunt

April 24 9AM

Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

Jesus is the one friend that not only wants to be our friend forever, but He can actually keep up His end of the promise. And, He went through a lot to make it possible. That’s why, this month, we are sharing the Good News with preschoolers that Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Your friend. My friend. Their friend. Everyone’s friend—forever!

The best things that go together are my friend, Jesus, and me. And nothing, not even death, can come between us and His promise, because we go together forever and ever.

Key Question: Who wants to be your friend forever?

Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be your friend forever.

Memory Verse: “I am with you always” – Matthew 28:20

Grades 1-6

Life can sometimes feel like a giant puzzle. All we can see is the piece we’re experiencing right now, and we’re not sure where it fits into the greater picture the is forming. We can’t always understand why some things happen to us or those we love. Yet, despite our confusion, we can have hope. God has kept promises throughout history. We can believe that God will continue to be with us through what we face now. Even in the toughest times, we can have hope because we know God is always working and can make something good out of something bad.

Life App: Hope – Believing the something good can come out of something bad.

Memory Verse: “In this world you will have trouble, but be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world.” – John 16:33b, NIRV

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Janet Hilsmier