Kids Connect: Nov 2022

Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

Sometimes we get so excited about the gift that we forget to remember the giver. So, this month we will take some time to look around at the wonderful gifts God has given us and teach our preschoolers that God is good!

We want our preschoolers to know that all of the good things they see in the world are good gifts from a very good God Who loves them. And we can say “thank you, God!” Everywhere we look we see good gifts that God has given us, like friends and family, people who help us, and yummy food. . . like donuts! But DONUT forget to thank God because God is good!

Key Question: Who is good?

Bottom Line: God is good!

Memory Verse: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.” – Psalm 107:1, NIV

Grades 1-6

As we continue our journey through God’s Big Story, we take a closer look at the lives of significant people in the Jewish Scriptures: Joshua and Caleb, David, Daniel, and Esther. Each of them trusted God and found courage to face difficult circumstances. They also represent major time periods in Israel’s history—from entering the land of Canaan, the United Kingdom, and Exile.

Like these people we read about in the Old Testament, God may ask us to take a risk or do something we might not feel prepared to do. But God will also give us the courage we need to face that challenge. We can also look to Jesus. He faced the biggest challenge of all: death on the cross. Still, He chose to be brave and follow God’s plan.

Virtue: Courage: Being brave enough to do what you should do, even when you’re afraid.

Memory Verse: “Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the Lord your God. I will be with you everywhere you go.” Joshua 1:9b NIRV


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Janet Hilsmier