Kids Connect: Nov 2023

Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

Thanking God for who He is, what He has done, and what He has given us is something people have been doing for a very, very, VERY long time. You could say that the people in the Bible make up this super long PARADE OF THANKS . . . and it’s up to us to keep it going! We want our preschoolers to continue this Parade of Thanks by teaching them they can thank God for everything—literally everything! Their light-up shoes, their new toy, their snack, their favorite rock . . . EVERYTHING! So let’s make sure the Parade of Thanks that God’s people began so long ago continues with us and our preschoolers as we choose to thank God for everything!

Key Question: Who can you thank for everything?

Bottom Line: You can thank God for everything!

Memory Verse: “Always give thanks to God.” Ephesians 5:20, NIRV

Grades 1-6

Gratitude sometimes feels like a lost art. Yet gratitude is an idea close to God’s heart. Think about all of the Bible stories where people gave thanks to God. The Israelites celebrated God with feasts and festivals. The writers of the Psalms wrote songs of praise to thank God for being faithful. Throughout this month, we hope kids will learn to be grateful for everything God has done: for the world God made, for the promises God has kept, and for the new life God offers the world through Jesus. When we remember all of these things, we can always be thankful.

Virtue: Gratitude: Letting others know you see how they helped you.

Memory Verse: “Give thanks to the Lord because he is good. His faithful love continues forever. Psalm 136:1, NIRV


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Janet Hilsmier