Kids Connect: Oct 2023

Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

Now is the time for our preschoolers to begin learning that God can help me be brave because the need to be brave— God-brave—will only grow throughout their lives.

What is God-brave? God-brave is . . .
. . . the kind of brave that does the right thing even when others don’t,
. . . the kind of brave that stands up to seemingly impossible circumstances,
. . . the kind of brave that trusts God during the darkest of times,
. . . the kind of brave that looks to God to help us be strong and courageous,
. . . the kind of brave that makes us SUPER KIDS—not because of what WE can do but because of what GOD can do.

Key Question: Who can help you be brave?

Bottom Line: God can help you be brave!

Memory Verse: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid… for the Lord your God goes with you.” Deuteronomy 31:6, NIV

Grades 1-6

God is always good. Since the very beginning, God has been faithful and true. If God makes a promise, God keeps that promise. We are created in God’s image . . . and when we live with integrity, we reflect God’s integrity.
When Jesus lived on earth, He lived a perfect life and showed integrity in ways we can’t because of our sin. Jesus makes it possible for us to live as new creations. Through the Holy Spirit, we are being transformed into people of integrity. Who we are in private should match who we are in public. When we trust in God, we can make the wise choice and be truthful in whatever we say and do.

Virtue: Integrity: Choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do.

Memory Verse: “Anyone who lives without blame walks safely. But anyone who takes a crooked path will get caught.” Proverbs 10:9, NIRV


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Janet Hilsmier