Kids Connect: Sep 2023

Rally Day Sep 10
Worship & Kids Connect @ 9AM

Preschool 3s, PreK, Kindergarten

An adult makes about 35,000 choices every day, but adults are not the only ones with choices to make. Children have their fair share of choices too—about 3,500 of them. Every. Single. Day. Should I eat this snack or that snack? Should I play with this toy or that toy? Should I do this and share or do that and keep it all for myself?

Knowing that our preschooler’s 3,500 daily choices will one day turn into 35,000 daily choices is why we want to teach preschoolers that, when they have a choice between This or That, they can trust that God knows what’s best for them.


Key Question: Who knows what’s best for you?

Bottom Line: God knows what’s best for me.

Memory Verse: God…knows everything. (1 John 3:20 NIV)


Grades 1-6

God created us for relationships. From the very beginning of the Bible, we see how important it is to have wise people in our life who help us understand how to honor God with our actions. When God sent Jesus, we were able to see the best example of friendship ever. Jesus showed us how much He loves us as He laid down His life for His friends. With His words and actions, Jesus showed friendship to everyone He met. We can reflect Jesus’ love best when we take time to care for our friends.


Virtue: FRIENDSHIP is using your words and actions to show others you care.

Memory Verse: A friend loves at all times. They are there to help when trouble comes. (Proverbs 17:17, NIRV)


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Janet Hilsmier