Current Events in Family Ministry
Sunday, March 2 — Worship at 10AM
Congratulations and God’s blessings to:
Lars Castner
Cassidy Keyser
Amelia Piccione
True North VBS July 7-10
Registration is open early this year for our annual Vacation Bible School! We have limited space, so please sign up as soon as possible. Save your spot now - cancel later if needed.
This free event runs for 4 evenings from 6-8:30pm. Grades PreK-5th.
Volunteers Needed!
We’d love to add parents, youth, and adults of all ages to our team! Sign up as a Volunteer - jobs are posted in the registration portal.
Creative Minds Wanted!
If you have a love for being creative, we’re looking for additional help creating decor for our summer VBS. Projects vary! Paint, cut, glue, style… Activities will begin soon and complete by June. We’d love your help! Ask Janet Hilsmier for more details or samples - sign up as a volunteer at the link above.
Reminder: Kids Connect is at 10AM on the first Sunday of each month, 9AM on other Sundays.
Questions? Need more information? Would you like to receive a monthly email that the blog has been updated? Send me an email!