Current Events in Family Ministry


Kids Connect in the Summer?! YES!!

Grades 1-5 will meet in Room 6. PreK/Kindergarten continues to meet in Room 9. Our 3 year old preschoolers are invited to join us in Nursery, or if they are ready for more sit-down time, they are welcome to try their time with the PreK/Kindergarten leaders in Room 9.

If you’re wondering… we “promote” all the kids to their next class year on September 1st.

Please remember to “check in” at our Kids Connect kiosk.


Rally Day is September 8th!

“Rally Day” is an old-school term for a fun way to kick-off the new school year at church. We use it as a way to welcome everyone back and present Third Grade students with a Bible during the Children’s Message in Worship. If any of our older students wish to receive a Bible, please let me know. We’re happy to provide one at no cost.


Questions? Need more information? Would you like to receive a monthly email that the blog has been updated? Send me an email!

Janet Hilsmier