Current Events in Family Ministry

Worship & Kids Connect

— May 7 at 10AM —

10AM All Summer
June through Labor Day

Note, the “first Sunday” in May has a different start time. All other Sundays in May will start at 9AM.

Summer schedule starts in June - all Sunday worship services at 10am through Labor Day weekend. Kids Connect will run all summer at 10am.


Join us for worship and a celebration! Our 2nd year confirmands will be affirming their baptism on June 7 at 10am. Hospitality celebration to follow in Fellowship Hall.

Join the VBS Team!

Where do your gifts fit? Everywhere at VBS! There are plenty of ways you can help make our VBS a meaningful and fun experience for the kids. We’re looking for people to build props, decorate the spaces, help them discover how they can rely on the goodness of our Lord, and experience the event with the children!

Volunteer positions and descriptions are in the online registration system which is now open! Look for printed descriptions on the main Christian Ed bulletin board in the church halway in the coming weeks.

We hope you’ll consider joining us. You’ll be creating another great summer memory together with your kids!


Questions? Need more information? Would you like to receive a monthly email that the blog has been updated? Send me an email!

Janet Hilsmier