December 1, 2021
Next Youth Group: This Sunday! Dec. 5
We’re devoting this Sunday’s meeting to planning the Christmas Drive-Thru event and the Christmas Eve Worship Service.
Sr High & Confirmands: come and be a part of the experience!
Pastries & Praise
Sundays in Youth Room
We get it — it’s hard to get back into a worship routine after being away for almost 2 years!
We get it — some mornings we’d rather slump back on the sofa than sit up straight on a pew bench.
We get it — sometimes we’d rather hang with some friends from Youth Group!
Try this: come to the Youth Room during the 9AM worship on Sunday, gather with friends and enjoy the worship experience from the livestream. Comfy couch, donuts… Pastor Chris on 4K streaming… Might help you get back into a good routine!
Can you Help?
The Advent Craft Expo continues over the next 3 Sundays at 10AM. We’d love some help setting up, handing out, “teaching” others and cleaning up (est. 60-90 minutes max). Dec 5, Dec 12, and Dec 19.
Text Janet Hilsmier @ 484-868-1295 with the day you’re able to serve or just show up!
Youth Gathering Update
Have you heard?? We’re adding 3 teens and their Youth leader from St James Lutheran Church in Pottstown to our Gathering group! We’ve also extended an invitation to our friends at a couple other local Lutheran churches to join us on this Boundless adventure!
All “Getting Ready” faith building lessons are postponed until the New Year. We’re looking to create 4 or 5 "retreats” where we’ll cover one unit per retreat leading up to our departure. Please provide possible Saturdays and Sundays that you have “open” in January through May. This will help us plan for these meetings with the hopes of getting the best possible attendance.
Boundless Playlists
Check out boundless creation on Spotify!