Youth Ministry News: January 20, 2022
Wed. January 26: Session 25: Parables
There is no Confirmation class on Sunday January 23. Sunday students are welcome to attend the Wednesday night class if it works with your schedule.
Please keep Julianna Heffner and her family in your prayers. We are saddened by the sudden and untimely loss of Julianna’s mom Kim. “Miss Kim” was a longstanding Kids Connect and VBS volunteer. She will be missed. If you have any questions, please contact any of the adult leaders: Pr. Chris, Bobbie or Janet.
Next Youth Group: Sunday, January 30
Oops! Snowy weather and COVID are playing havoc with our ability to meet. Since we missed hosting the last Youth Group meeting, we still have a lot to cover at our “first” meeting of the new year. Please bring your personal and school/activity calendar with you. We’ll be discussing and/or preparing for the following opportunities:
Tuscarora Lutheran Youth Retreat — in-person event might change to online
Fundraisers to support National Youth Gathering and Youth Ministry
Winter social opportunities
National Youth Gathering Update
Our National Youth Gathering travel crew has expanded - AGAIN!!
We have 21 people traveling together!
St James Limerick: 6 (2 adults, 4 youth)
St James Pottstown: 6 (2 adults, 4 youth)
St Peters Chester Springs: 5 (1 adult, 4 youth)
Grace Lutheran Royersford: 1 (youth)
Redemption Lutheran (Phila.): 2 (1 adult, 1 youth)
Plus 1 more youth from another Phila. congregation
Registration is currently PAUSED by the ELCA and we wait with prayer for all leadership as they discern the next steps for the event. Thank you for your patience!
Travel expenses and fundraising will be handled by each congregation, but we will be planning some growth & fellowship events for us to get to know each other and prepare for the trip.
Please bring your personal and school/activity calendar with you to our January 16 Youth Group meeting. We will need your availability known to set up some dates. Parents are invited to stay for this portion of the meeting as we encourage participation.
Fundraisers are Starting!
We’re excited about some plans we’re making to benefit the youth. All traveling need to participate in fundraising in some capacity. All other youth (Sr. High and Confirmation) are encouraged to come and support these events. Funds are sometimes shared across Youth Ministry and can benefit all youth.
Hoagie Sale
Orders start this week. We’re making them on Saturday, Feb. 5th (time tbd) and orders can be picked up at the church on Sunday, Feb. 6.
How can you help? Promote the sale of the hoagies with your family, friends and neighbors. Join us on on Feb. 5 as we make the sandwiches - many hands make light work! Help distribute the orders on Sunday after the special 10AM worship service.
Send a link to collect online orders! —> Order Hoagies Online
Or, send a printable form! —> Printable Hoagie Form
Printed orders can be dropped off at church or emailed to:
Fat Tuesday Donut Sale
Orders will be collected in February, pick up on 2/27 (Sunday before Ash Wed.)
How can you help? Promote the sale of the hoagies with your family, friends and neighbors. We’ll also need help boxing/bagging orders and distributing them. More details on that later.
We have more ideas to raise funds for this Spring. Stay tuned!
Tuscarora Lutheran Youth Retreat
Head into the beautiful Lehigh Valley for a faith and fun-filled youth retreat for teens grades 6-12.
Confirmation Students and Senior High Youth are invited to a special weekend where we’ll learn what it means to "Do Justice, love Mercy, walk Humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
This retreat fosters relationships between youth of different churches to unify the Lutheran churches and youth of the SouthEastern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA.
More information will be shared at our upcoming Confirmation and Senior High Youth meetings.
Dates: March 25-27, 2022
Cost: $125 (due Feb 6) or $150 (due Feb 20)
*Proof of vaccination will be required for all attendees
Interested? Please contact Janet Hilsmier for registration information.