Youth Ministry News: May 13, 2022
Senior Scholarship Applications Due 5/31
Confirmation Classes
These are the last classes of the ‘21-22 school year!
Week of May 22 (Sunday/Wed.): Session 36: New Creation
We are planning a Confirmation Family Pot Luck celebration on June 4th. This is for ALL confirmands (and their families) who have completed their first or second year. We will also be inviting all of the adults who participated as group leaders/mentors during the school year. Signups will be released soon.
Confirmation Celebration
June 5
Join us on Sunday, June 5 at 10AM to
witness the Confirmation of:
Michael Diaz
Grace Gustafson
Ryan Hanson
Colby Seislove
Megan Wilkins
Sarah Wilkins
Spring Clean Up
Youth and parents are welcome to join us Saturday morning (5/14) from 8:30-12 for our annual Spring Clean Up of the church gardens and the large garage.
BBQ Fundraiser
for the Sr. High Summer Mission Trip – July 24-30
Our Senior High Youth will be heading on a Mission Trip this summer to West Virginia! We have committed to working with Appalachia Service Project (ASP). ASP organizes mission trips for thousands of youth and adults each year to lend a hand to our neighbors in need in this beautiful region.
We’re making plans and raising funds for this event. Make plans to attend St James BBQ Fundraiser event to help us cover our costs! Click the image link to purchase tickets! Share with your neighbors and friends — the more tickets sold directly impacts our summer mission trip expenses!
Join us at VBS this Summer! July 11-14 6-8:30pm
Registration is open to participate in our summer vacation Bible school. We have opportunities for youth and adults to participate as Program Leaders, Skit Actors, Crew Leaders and assistant leaders in all areas. Last summer we had 15 youth engaged in teaching, encouraging and playing with the children who attended. It’s a great way to practice leadership, communication and presentation skills. NHS and JrNHS students can record service hours and it looks great on job and college applications!
We’d love to have you and your friends join us again! We’d love to help you find your fit! Descriptions of the available positions are in the VBS Online Registration system or you can reach out to Janet Hilsmier directly. There’s also plenty of prop building and set decorating to do in the next 7 weeks, and we’d love help with that as well! Come on, join us!