Youth News: Dec 1, 2023
Youth Group at Grace this Sunday!
Join us this Sunday at Grace Lutheran in Royersford for dinner, fun activity and a light devotional. Grace is located at Main and 6th Streets. We’ll start at 5pm - 7pm.
Sunday Dec 3: Philly Soft Pretzels for Sale — Maybe???
We sell Philly Soft Pretzels after worship on the first Sunday of each month. The money raised is added to a fund that provides scholarship gifts to graduating Seniors. This is a continuously-filling pot… meaning that while we have funds to award this year, we want the action of this fundraiser to continue to fill the fund for future years and graduates to come.
We’re looking for families to help us sell soft pretzels on Communion Sunday each month through May. This is a once and done opportunity! Pretzels will be sold after the 10AM Communion Service which is on the first Sunday of each month. (December, February, March, April, May)
I will not be able to sell pretzels this month without the support of our youth families. Please let me know if you are able to serve this Sunday no later than 2pm on Saturday. If I do not get a volunteer, I will not be ordering pretzels this month.
Please contact Janet Hilsmier ( or 484.868.1295 to pick your month.
Youth-led Christmas at St James
The 9PM service will be dedicated as our Youth-led service. So far we have the following 6 young people signed up to serve in this service: Anya Castner, Lexi Gubanich, Brady Seislove, Colby Seislove, Kinley Seislove, and Nadia Yackanicz. We will rehearse together on Saturday, December 23 at 10:30am. We encourage anyone that has a speaking part to try to arrive at the church around 8PM on Christmas Eve to grab costumes and run through lines together.
There are opportunities for more youth to participate! Speaking parts and non-speaking parts… Ushers, Communion Assistants, Acolyte (candle lighting) and our liturgy Readers are all positions that will need to be filled.
If you did not have an opportunity to attend our meeting and would like to participate, please contact us at the church to be included. Email or text Janet at 484-868-1295.
ELCA Youth Gathering ‘24!
We’re busy with fundraising and preparatory planning meetings for this fun adventure to New Orleans. It’s not to late to join us!! Check out the details on our Youth page and touch base with Janet Hilsmier to discuss your commitment.
Confirmation Classes
12/10 at 1:30-3:30pm at St James Limerick
Get the app!
Download the St James Church app and access all youth events from the Youth/Kids calendar!
Look Ahead…
These and future dates are also available on the Church App Youth/Kids calendar and the church website.
12/3 Advent Craft & Youth Group at Grace
12/10 Confirmation
12/23 Youth Rehearsal
12/24 Christmas Eve Worship 9PM
Youth Ministry programs at St James are available for all students grades 7 through 12.