Youth News: Feb 16 2024

Breakfast for Dinner ! Breakfast!

The large snowfall on 2/13 prompted us to safely reschedule the Pancake Tuesday event to Sunday (Palm Sunday), March 24 from 11:30am-1:30pm.

Tickets will continue to be sold in person and online. Adults (18 and older) are $10, Child (4-17) are $5. Tell your friends, neighbors, classmates, coworkers… Help us raise funds for the ELCA National Youth Gathering Trip!

We would still LOVE Your Help!

Because it’s a holy day, we anticipate a greater turnout for this event and would love ALL YOUTH (grades 6-12) and even some parents to help us with the event. One Hour shifts: 10:30 – 11:30 – 12:30. Please contact Janet Hilsmier and let her know you’re helping! Thank you!!

Confirmation Classes:

Sunday February 25: St James Limerick

Sunday March 10: St James Pottstown

Box City 2024 Registration is Open!

Box City 24 will be hosted on April 6, 2024 at Advent Lutheran Church in Harleysville, PA. This is our first off-site Box City event and we’re really excited to see where God takes us on this journey. We hope that we can assemble a great group of St James youth to represent the founding congregation!

Open to youth in grades 6 through 12, the event creates awareness about the plight of unhoused citizens and food-impoverished families in our communities. Box City simulates a homeless encampment on church property (yes they sleep in boxes overnight!) with soup kitchen style dinner, service project, prayer, guest speakers and several educational rotations. The cost is $20 per attendee.

Box City also serves as a fundraiser for Pottstown Beacon of Hope and our goal is to raise $6,000 through this event. Participants need a minimum of 2 contributing sponsors, and are encouraged to seek additional supporters from family, neighbors, friends, teachers etc. Check out the Giving page on our Box City website for information on how far our gifts go to support PBOH.

You can find more information and required forms for this event on our website at Use the button below to register your students and their friend(s). Register through the link below no later than 3/29/24.

Questions? Ask Janet Hilsmier for more information. Any parent interested in chaperoning the event may also register through this link (all clearances must be up to date and on file with Janet).

Janet Hilsmier