Beyond Our 5 Senses
And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years,…Genesis 1:14
Autumn has its own aroma. We hear the leaves crunch under our feet as we stroll along at brisk clip (without sweating profusely). We see the vibrant colors of the leaves as they whirl and twirl in the wind. We feel the need of a snuggly sweater as the temperatures dip. Pumpkin spiced coffee and apple pie aromas tantalize our taste buds.
The beauty is overwhelming to our senses! This season especially, is like being on sensual steroids. Everywhere we look there is beauty, colors, reminders of the end of a hot season and the upcoming cold, dreary winter. God in His goodness, gives us a breathtaking break between grueling extremes to just sit back and enjoy His creative blessings. He gives us autumn.
In my past, I used to dislike these days the most because school left a nasty taste in my mouth. I was so full of anxiety and fear about performing well, getting good grades and avoiding those that bullied me that I did not find anything pretty to focus upon. Thankfully my life has changed since those days. I am sure that many of you have missed the joy and peacefulness of fall due to various circumstances beyond your control. But 2021 is another chance to get it right!
If you were sitting on that bench in the picture above, and you were with a dear friend who was blind, which of you would be able to describe autumn better? For someone who has never had eyesight, the colors of God’s handiwork might be a little difficult but then again, maybe not.
His love spills out into nature and we come face-to-face with His creation. Whether we can see it or not, it exists and goes far, far beyond our limited human senses. We are part of His world and we must acknowledge it freely.
Currently as I sit here at my table and look out at the mountain, I see one yellow tree, a couple of orange leafed ones and a bright red slightly hidden behind those holding onto the green foliage for a while longer. But my heart is doing cartwheels just knowing that soon the mountain will burst forth with screaming colors.
Did you know that He did this for us? He was thinking of you and me when He created our season with that gorgeous, broad-brush stroke across the Pennsylvania hills and mountains. Like His love, the colors just spill out of Him and we soak it all in.
Father, help us never to run out of gratitude for all the blessings You give us. AMEN.