Running Low
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
ME: I don’t want to be a light for anyone today! I just do not feel like it. It is too hard to be social sometimes and I just want to be left alone.
JESUS: I think that is a little problematic. Don’t you?
ME: No, because some days I just want to be me and not have to deal with people. They are a mess these days; they’re rude, demanding, obscene and it seems they cannot be satisfied with anything.
JESUS: Does that mean that you are trying to be something else when you are out and about?
ME: Oh Jesus, I try harder when I am being social because I want people to see You and the difference Your love makes. But people just irritate me. I just need a break.
JESUS: A break from Me? A break from the kind of life I want you to live? Or from My children that you want to ignore?
ME: I get tired.
JESUS: You have chosen your schedule.
ME: You are right. I overdo it sometimes and then pay the price with wanting to hide out somewhere. I would go to the mountains and get a cabin where no one knows me. I’d sit on the deck, enjoy the autumn weather, listen to music, take naps and read a book.
JESUS: Yes, and you would be terrified of every snapping twig and sound you heard after the sun went down. You would be ready to come back within a day to find out what is going on and to see what you missed. Don’t forget, I know you! When you get tired, why don’t you ask for strength and energy to continue My assignments?
ME: You just said that You did not choose my schedule. I translate that to mean that I am stuck with it.
Jesus: How did you come to that conclusion? Never mind! Ask Me and I will show you what is important. A precious child of Mine, Charles Spurgeon, once wrote: “The Bible is not the light of the world; it is the light of the Church. But the world does not read the Bible, the world reads Christians!”
ME: I guess I just need to recharge don’t I?
JESUS: Most assuredly, yes! Then go shine for Me!