The Gift of Daily Bread

Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

Yes, miracles still happen today! I have seen some in my lifetime and heard about a lot more. Hungry families who found bags of food on their doorstep, gift cards showing up with enough to buy a couple of weeks’ worth of food for six, prepared meals brought in for those who were sick. You may have been a giver and/or receiver during your lifetime. It is simply a gift we cannot live without. The gratitude for this present feels different from most others. With a truly thankful heart, but the recipient always wonders about the giver.

I have been both. During a very dark period of my life, I was a recipient of enough food to stock my pantry for a few weeks and I was appreciative beyond words. I wondered who knew me well enough to know how desperate I was feeling. Today I know that God was the Provider and He just put it on someone’s heart to take action. Thankfully, they did!

When I was in a position to help others, I was honored to do so. There were no begrudging thoughts of ‘Oh, here comes another needy person.’ I just reached in my pocket and gave what I had and it blessed both of us. I love to give!

With the pandemic’s shadow still looming around every corner, there are many who are faced with various employment situations. The money may not be there to feed their families as it was before through no fault of their own. We need to be vigilant.

Hunger is still hunger and God will provide a way even if you don’t feel called to step up to help. There is no guilt here. But you are going to miss out on the numerous blessings and sweet memories that overflow from this act of kindness. Our heavenly Father will prompt you to respond in His perfect timing. Don’t hesitate. Be listening for His whisper, “Help them!”

The Lord’s Prayer

Father God, we thank You for our daily bread and for nudging us to help others. AMEN.

Mo Haner