Our Prayer for Christmas Peace

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
Oh Lord, You know us so well. You know that we tend to overcommit, overreach, and overreact, and in the end, there’s just too much stress and hurt going around.

So we are coming to You with open hearts. Teach us again what Christmas is all about. Help us remember the reason You gave us this beautiful season in the first place. Show me how to celebrate the birth of our Savior. Tune our hearts to wonder at Your beauty and sing Your praise.

You, Emmanuel, God with us, contained all glory and power and authority within a little child clinging to His mother for cuddling and for soothing.

You, the Word of God who spoke the world into existence; You cooed as we all once did, learned to sound out syllables one by one.

You, the Holy One of God, brilliant in Your majesty and commanding in authority … lowered Yourself to walk our dusty streets.

You, the Alpha and Omega, the One who has no beginning and no end… You entered earthly time and space to take on flesh and be bound by the same laws of physics as us–to age, to hurt, to groan as the crown of thorns was forced onto Your forehead.

You, the Lion of Judah, fierce and feared by demons, commanding angel armies with one glance … You became the Lamb of God, meek and mild, led to an unjust death by the very ones You came to save, sacrificed to cover us with Your holy blood.

You, the Prince of Peace … bringing Your Kingdom here among us, a Kingdom of peace and righteousness, a Kingdom where all are welcomed to sit at Your table, a Kingdom where there is no more strife, no more malice, no more hatred, no more envy, no more comparison, no more worry, no more stress.

You, precious Jesus … You are the One we celebrate. Speak Your peace into our lives and hearts as we remember this season is for You.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Asheritah Ciuciu and Bobbie Hoffman

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Bobbie Hoffman