The Little Things
Philippians 4:6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
As Christians we believe our prayers are offered to a God who has the power to hear and answer us. He can heal and help those who are sick, aid us in times of trouble, and strengthen us when we are faced with the loss of a loved one.
Often, however, our faith in the power of prayer begins to waver, just a little, when we begin praying about the routine things of daily living. We might find it hard to believe that God would help us in those things that we think are “beneath His scope of interest” or that might be due to some mistake on our part. Oddly enough, we may have more faith in God's power to move mountains than in His willingness to be involved in all the "little things" in our lives.
God is not lofty and aloof, far removed from our anxious job search, disagreement with a friend or stomach ache. He has shown this to us by the fact of Jesus Christ, His Son, becoming a Man. Jesus' infant birth - the taking on of our humanity, dispels any worry that God is not intimately interested in His creation. The depth of Jesus’ compassion and mercy show us that the Father is vitally concerned with all that we bring to Him in prayer.
So when you begin your day and five minutes into it you feel like you're already "bogged down," but don't know why, bring it to God in prayer. When your concerns seem petty or inconsequential—take time out and pray about them. There is power in prayer—as well as clarity for our lives.
Loving Father, our lives are so cluttered. Teach us to bring it all to You in prayer. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Inspired by a Lutheran Hour Devotion