Experience It


“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:8, NIV)

This is what I think my brain looks like when someone mentions the word experience. No joke! On Facebook recently, there have been multiple list games where you get points if you have done certain things during your lifetime. My numbers are often high because once upon a time, I was a true risk taker! Those days are long gone and I am more content today than I have ever been.

Senior thinking is not the main contributor to this serenity. I have experienced many feelings, events and changes over the years, but none of them have brought me a sense of security or peaceful living. I did some crazy stuff and I was sure I would finally achieve that perfect life. It was not to be achieved by my actions. Probably we all could say, “Yup, that’s me too!”

We have all spent time chasing the dream, the scheme, our tail and our male/female and we may temporarily experience happiness and a semi-contentment but we still are not at peace. I am speaking about the peace that does not let you get rattled or afraid when your world comes crashing down around you. When the world speaks about doom and gloom, you are able to sing It Is Well with My Soul and mean it from the bottom of your heart.

I long to experience that but so often I cave in to anxiety and worry. Can you identify with me? Furthermore, I am told that this kind of peace only comes through spending more time in His Presence. That is where we hand over our concerns and fears and then let the light of His love wash away the grit and grime of our burdens. That moment where we let go is the most relaxing moment that we can possibly experience.

And you are thinking…yeah, but what about… and…

Because of our humanness, we have this tendency to let things go but there is this little, almost invisible thread that we use to pull them all back into focus again and again. Who do we think we are fooling? He sees them! He’s just waiting on us to keep our hands off and let Him be God.

We have such a hard time sitting quietly in His Presence without saying or doing anything. However, if we really want that experience of a life time, we must practice it; at least try it.

Pass It On with EMC Vesper Choir

Father, I want to experience more of You. Please slow me down and please pry the burdens out of my hands that I try to hang on to. I need to taste more of You and share it with others. AMEN.

Mo Haner