We Are On A Journey by Anonymous

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Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18)

Few people set out on a family vacation without a destination and a way to get there in mind. We decide whether we will drive or fly, which roads we will take, how many stops we will make, where we will stay.  There may be detours along the way; the route may change slightly based on road construction or traffic.  And sometimes the road less traveled just looks more interesting and our progress from point A to point B gets sidetracked slightly. But we know that we are purposefully headed somewhere; we are not just wandering aimlessly.

Why would our faith life be any less deliberate than a family vacation? The Apostle Paul reminds us that our goal is to grow deeper in faith and closer in relationship to Jesus Christ. But, just as we wouldn’t sit in our driveway and hope that we magically arrive at Disney World, we shouldn’t sit back and hope that our faith life will grow without any action from us!  Prayer, scripture, evangelism, worship, service, giving – the route for each person will be traveled in different ways. But each of us needs to do SOMETHING to move towards our destination and a fuller, deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Journey

Lord God, lead us every day on our journey to reflect Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bobbie Hoffman