Water Off a Duck’s Back


“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior,
    who daily bears our burdens.”
(Psalm 68:19, NIV)

ME: I get so angry that I just want to explode!

JESUS: Why are you still carrying that grudge? Doesn’t it get heavier every single day?

ME: Maybe, but she was so mean to me. The words were hurtful and hateful. I can even remember what she was wearing that afternoon.

JESUS: That is quite a memory you have!

ME: I know but… You gave it to me.

JESUS: But not for carrying a grudge or being weighted down with all these burdens.

ME:  Dumping this load is not as easy as You think it might be. Why am I telling You this? It would have been so easy for You to hold a grudge but You forgave them. Why is it so hard for me to let go?

JESUS: Truly, I expect you to do the same. You didn’t lose your life as I did, just some pride. I am Love and I cannot be any other way. Of all creation, humans are the only creatures with the ability to hold grudges and carry burdens. You were given a mind to think and remember but so often it is misused.

ME: Am I misusing my mind?

JESUS: Well, if you have unforgiveness in your heart, I would definitely say yes. Do you? Now, think before you answer that question. I am right here!

ME: Yeah, I guess I do have some areas to work on. There are times when I think I have gotten over that event and then it surfaces again.

JESUS: Have you ever thought of giving that burden to Me and laying it at the foot of My cross?

ME: But what are You going to do with it? It is over and done. There is no way to make it right or speak my mind or say I’m sorry or anything…

JESUS: Exactly! You live in the present so why are you fixated on this past event? At your request, I will lift this heaviness off your shoulders so you can again practice good posture and stand straight and tall in My Presence. You know that I am well familiar with what is bothering you. Right?

ME: Of course You know! Sometimes I am just forgetful and stubborn.

JESUS: My child, let unkind and hateful words roll off of you like water off a duck’s back. Shake it off! You know the truth and that loving truth will set you free.  

ME: Amen!

Lift Jesus Higher

Mo Haner