A Sick Friend

 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.  James 5:15a

ME: Jesus, I am feeling mighty helpless today!

JESUS: What are you talking about?

ME: My dear friend has COVID and I am so far away.

JESUS: I know exactly who you are thinking about but answer this question. What would do if you lived in the same town?

ME: I guess I would make some chicken soup, make sure that he had enough nourishing and healthy food so he could get well faster. I would check on him to ease my own mind. I want to see that he is okay. What if he is saying he is okay but is really sick and needs more medical attention? You know how people are (especially men) who don’t want to admit how awful they feel.

JESUS: Yes, I’ve known a few women like that too! Let’s see, could one of them be you?

ME: I am being serious here. I am very concerned. I don’t like this feeling of weakness on my part.

JESUS: Let’s discuss this. If you were to walk into his house right now, what would you be risking? He already knows you care and that you are a good cook. I want to know why you think you are being inadequate.

ME: Because I can’t do anything to help. I am just too far away.

JESUS: But I’m not.

ME: What are You saying?

JESUS: You have been praying for him for several days—at the first symptoms, you came to Me. Why do you not think of that as power—healing power?

ME: Yes, but it is not something to physically do for him.

JESUS: Which means more: having Me answer your prayers or you taking all kinds of risks?

ME: Well, when you put it that way, the answer is very clear.

JESUS: Precious child, I am taking care of this situation. There is not a single thing that you can do to change this course. I had this covered even before you lifted your eyes heavenward. Humans are quite difficult to deal with due to all these feelings that entangle them but I am straight forward and never changing.

ME: Does that mean that I can stop praying for him?

JESUS: I heard you the first time but I always love our communication and praying brings you comfort. However, don’t be impatient; just remember that healing takes time.

ME: I feel better.

JESUS: You both should.

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Mo Haner