Hope and a Hot-Air Balloon

 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

ME: Jesus, I want to be joyful in hope. But with all the violence, political stuff and all the other negative things going on, it is really hard.

JESUS: Yes, I know!

ME: You keep trying to teach me that hope is one of the best places to find true joy. I want that kind of joy however, it seems out of my reach most of the time.

JESUS: Close your eyes and ears and forget the fallen world you live in. Focus on My voice as I again tell you about the hope to which I have called you and the riches of My glorious inheritance.

ME: It amazes me that You have shared Your inheritance with me; making me a co-heir. When ugly circumstances weigh me down, I don’t feel very rich at all, but I still hold on to hope for dear life.

JESUS: When you do that, don’t you get a sense of empowerment that not only helps you survive—but thrive.

ME: To be honest, only sometimes.

JESUS: What prevents you from living joyously? What causes you to become so stressed?

ME: I play the “what-if” game. I know that it stirs up more messes but it is a hard habit to break.

JESUS: Here is a new game for you to play. Take a ride in an imaginary hot-air balloon. Because it is very buoyant, it can lift you above your troubles. Open your eyes and look around. Your problems are no where to be seen. Your mind is free to ascend above any earthly issues.

ME: WOW! I can soar in the heavens with You.  I can see things from a big-picture perspective. So cool!

JESUS: That’s correct!

ME: But wait… I first need enough courage and trust to get into that basket. By the way, exactly who is flying the balloon anyway? I don’t want to be all by myself. Are you going to be there?

JESUS: What do you think?

There’s Nothing That Our God Can’t Do

Mo Haner