Sent or Just Going
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field …” Luke 10:2
Recently I heard our pastor share an incredible message. Perhaps my take-away was not what he had hoped for, but I spent the day thinking about all the things I’ve done in my life (in Jesus’ name). I am going to get downright honest here and confess that I have made some serious messes. I thought I heard His voice and truly believed I had His blessing only to find out that I was acting on my own behalf. YIKES!
Sometimes we learn our best lessons when we fall down and get hurt. It took me a long time to accept these events as indicators about how little I knew about living. Don’t even pretend you haven’t had a few in your lifetime!
After spending time serving on boards/committees, music director, Christian Ed. Director, etc., in various churches, I have come to the conclusion that God did not send me to do some of those things. I did most of them for boasting rights. In almost every instance, I can remember the moment when I began to dislike those positions and resigned. I had excuses that I used but usually it boiled down to the fact that I got bored.
What I learned from the sermon was this: when we are sent, there is an excitement that goes with it. While we may experience some difficulties, we are wired not to give up. On the other hand, if we just go, boredom sets in and eventually overpowers us.
When we are sent, God provides! We don’t need sixteen suitcases, two laptops, and three cell phones—just in case. We must lean in and anticipate that He will provide exactly what we need. (Notice I did not say want.)
I am not sure that I could totally agree to being sent today. But never in a million years did I ever expect to be sent to my laptop to write devotions for my church and other friends.
Today I know that I am loved and therefore I can love others through my words of encouragement. I pack light; only needing a Holy Spirit inspiration, my Bible and laptop.
What has He sent you to accomplish for His kingdom? Even if it is just a smile, a hug, a handout for a homeless man, a prayer for Ukraine; they are all important and life-changing actions.
Gracious God, thank You for all the life-lessons You have taught us. Help us to hear You clearly as You send us out to do Your work. AMEN.