Don’t Be a Cowbird!

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3

I would venture to guess that not many of you know much about cowbirds. Their intriguing plumage with black glossy bodies and brown heads really set them apart from other birds. These birds, however, have some problematic behaviors. I pray that no one ever likens you—or me—to a cowbird. Randy Benedetto (All God’s Creatures) tells us why.


Cowbirds are notorious for the way they raise their young. First, a cowbird scouts other birds that have already built a cozy nest. Then, when the timing is perfect and the other birds are away, the cowbird lays a single egg in their nest! The cowbird then flies away, carefree, but keeps an eye on its egg to make sure it’s taken care of. The original builder of the nest then hatches and raises the cowbird as its own. As the hatchlings grow together, the larger cowbird demands more food, which the foster-parent bird continually supplies.

This is how God created cowbirds; they don’t know differently, and they aren’t bad birds. However, I recognize some of the cowbird ’s selfish characteristics in my own behavior—and I should know better! Sometimes, if I am not walking closely with the Lord, I’m tempted to take advantage of other people. Other times, when someone asks me to do more than my fair share, I feel like a cowbird has laid a big egg in my nest. Instead of responding with generosity, I’m tempted to grumble and complain.

God helps me see when I am imposing on others and demanding my own way. He also places people around me who unselfishly care for and supply my needs, just like the cowbird’s host. And for both of those blessings, I’m grateful.

Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It is a trait we hate in other people but justify in ourselves. ~ Stephen Kendrick


We can certainly learn some lessons from this feathered phenomenon. I have some dear friends around me who let me know when my selfishness is showing ugly. The cowbird is not going to change but we surely can!

Generous Giver

Lord, thank You for Your generosity in creation and all the beauty that surrounds us. Please help us become more aware of our cowbird traits as we journey through each day. AMEN.

Mo Haner